Charities helping the Ukrainian cause
Ukrainians desperately need our help. In the right hands, our donations can make an immediate difference.
Here is a list of verified charities that we can confirm are providing humanitarian aid to ordinary people affected by the crisis.
Please give generously.
Ukraine charities
Committed to helping children affected by war since 2015, providing psychological and psychosocial support to help them overcome the consequences of armed conflict.
Currently providing non-stop assistance to children and their families affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including emergency evacuation support and psychological assistance.
National Bank of Ukraine: Humanitarian fund
The National Bank of Ukraine has set up an account for charity contributions to help Ukrainians affected by Russia’s invasion.
Donations will go towards providing food, shelter and clothing to refugees, buying staple goods for the population and paying out financial aid to meet the country’s essential needs.
Local UK transfers
First name: Embassy of Ukraine
Last name: Ukraine
Sort code: 30-65-41
Account number: 45905068
International transfers
Receiver country: UK
Receiver currency: GBP, EUR
Receiver: Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
IBAN: GB52CHAS60924280033041 (GBP)
IBAN: DE85500000000050002137 (EUR)
Reference: WithUkraine
Poland charities
Ukrainian Education Foundation
The aim of this charity is to educate people on the topics of democratic and civic values, European integration, human rights protection, civil liberties and other social matters.
Currently providing Ukrainian refugees with available housing in Poland, as well as food and personal hygiene products. They’re also providing psychological support, volunteering assistance and sharing information about all available fundraising.
Receiver country: Poland
Receiver currency: PLN or USD
Receiver: Fundacja Ukraińskie Centrum Informacyjne FUCI
IBAN: 30 1140 2004 0000 3902 7905 8100 (PLN)
IBAN: 31 1140 2004 0000 3412 0911 3921 (USD)
Reference: Housing aid and supplies
Germany charities
Ukrainian Doctors’ Association in Germany
Dentists, pharmacists and nurses promoting medical sciences and public healthcare in Ukraine.
Currently collecting donations to organise medical transportation to their motherland, Ukraine, and asking their German colleagues for donations to help injured soldiers and civilians.
Receiver country: Germany
Receiver currency: EUR
Receiver: Ukrainische Ärztevereinigung in Deutschland
IBAN: DE50 2305 1030 0511 3395 41
Reference: Medical help for Ukraine
Lithuania charities
Working with the Red Cross and Kiev’s social welfare departments, Food for Ukraine provides essential food aid to those in need. Any funding they receive goes towards preparing kits of dried foods, canned meats, oil, biscuits, life-long milk and water to those affected by the Ukraine war.
Food for Ukraine estimates that the weekly cost of purchasing and delivering their kits is EUR 140,000 with 6-7 truckloads required for distribution.
Receiver country: Lithuania
Receiver currency: EUR
Receiver: Labdaros ir paramos fondas “Maistas Ukrainai”
IBAN: LT157044090102980410
Reference: Donation for Ukraine
A platform bringing different charities together. Their ‘Our Hands and Hearts for Ukraine’ project is focused on raising funds for Ukrainians fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Participating charities include the Lithuanian Red Cross, the Maltese, Caritas, the Food Bank and Save the Children and all funds raised will go towards humanitarian aid, first psychosocial care and first aid.
Receiver country: Lithuania
Receiver currency: EUR
Receiver: VšĮ Geros valios projektai
IBAN: LT547300010114335215
Reference: Humanitarian help project
Volunteer initiative providing humanitarian help and shelter to Ukrainian refugees.
Stronger Together invites people to volunteer and accommodate refugees, as well as raise funds to support the Ukrainian cause. The funds will be used for humanitarian aid and to provide housing and accommodation for Ukrainians escaping war.
Receiver country: Lithuania
Receiver currency: EUR
Receiver: Stiprūs Kartu
IBAN: LT387044090101401806
Reference: Humanitarian (housing) help for Ukrainian refugees
Lithuanian charity with an established network of friends and partners in Ukraine and the rest of the world.
Blue/Yellow have supported Ukraine and the civil population in the Donbas area since 2014. So far, they have raised 1 Million USD to provide humanitarian aid and military supplies to Ukraine and those affected by the crisis.
Receiver country: Lithuania
Receiver currency: EUR
Receiver: Mėlyna ir geltona
IBAN: LT17 7300 0101 4089 4869
Reference: Humanitarian and military supplies
United Kingdom charities
With Ukraine is a global support fund established by the Embassy of Ukraine in the UK to aid those affected by the Ukrainian crisis.
All donations received will go towards providing humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian population and purchasing medical and military supplies for the Ukrainian army.
Receiver country: UK
Receiver currency: GBP or EUR
Receiver: Embassy of Ukraine
IBAN: GB48LHVB04030000003747 (GBP)
IBAN: EE967700771007649214 (EUR)
Reference: Humanitarian assistance and supplies
Romania charities
The Romanian Red Cross is a longstanding charity with over 145 years of humanitarian activity. They help nations affected by war, famine, droughts, epidemics and natural disasters.
The charity’s Humanity Has No Borders project is working hard to provide food, shelter and personal hygiene products to Ukrainians fleeing the war. They accept donations of staple foods, water, personal care products, first aid products and baby products.
Receiver country: Romania
Receiver currency: LEI, EUR, USD
Receiver: Crucea Roșie Română
IBAN: RO76BRDE410SV07590484100 (RON)
IBAN: RO12BRDE410SV31714694100 (EUR)
IBAN: RO88BRDE410SV36413794100 (USD)
Reference: Humanitarian aid
The Mama Jeni Foundation is a non-profit charity supporting social causes run by Ștefan Mandachi. Founded in 2019, it is committed to helping those in need and protecting tortured and stray animals.
Ștefan was one of the first responders when the war began in Ukraine, offering his hotel near Suceava, Romania as a refugee camp for all Ukrainians fleeing their homeland. In addition, he is providing Ukraine with lorry loads of essential supplies including food and clothing.
Receiver country: Romania
Receiver currency: RON, EUR, GBP
Receiver: Mama Jeni
Reference: Ucraina
Turkey charities
The Ukrainian Embassy in Turkey is gathering funds for humanitarian support.
They provide aid for healthcare, food, blood, social services, first aid, education, housing and immigration and refugee protection.
Receiver country: Turkey
Receiver currency: TRY
Receiver: Ukrayna Ankara Büyükelçiliği
IBAN: TR650006200018100006290163
Reference: Donations for Ukraine
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